Information & Advocacy | Lo_omdot
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Info & Advocacy

We founded the advocacy corner almost from the day our Facebook group was established.

This corner features posts written by Naama Goldberg, PhD student and prostitution researcher at Bar Ilan University, founder and CEO of the association. The posts are almost always written with the cooperation and approval of prostitution survivors, real women who were or are in the circle of prostitution.

They refine, correct, add or delete incorrect information. Sometimes social workers from the field also go over the contents and help us present facts correctly.

Most of the information is based on academic studies. If there is no study or we are not aware of one, we indicate this and formulate carefully.

These posts are especially read by survivors of prostitution, who write to us personally that the posts reflect well and echo their feelings.

These contents may be emotionally overwhelming and are not suitable for minors under the age of 18. Please read responsibly.

Terms & Definitions

A one-line drawing depicting a paper or written document

The Psychology of Prostitution

One line drawing depicting a figure of a woman holding a giant key which she puts into a keyhole inside a giant woman's head

Rape Culture

One line drawing depicting a huge accusing hand, directed at a small figure of a woman

Family Relations & Prostitution

One line drawing depicting a boy or girl figure sitting on the ground with accusing hands pointing towards them

Violence In Prostitution

One line drawing depicting two figures who look distressed, sitting on the ground

General World Information

One line drawing depicting an info icon, the letter i surrounded by a circle


One line drawing depicting a daisy flower
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